Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gundam Musume: Marida Cruz

Stand down for quite a time after previous post, have to prepare few things for coming work on the kits. So right now me think me wanna share my likeness on the young lady 'ere.

My favorite character from Gundam UC OVA.(^^,)

You know the saying, "When you're in love,do them justice;show 'em."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

HG 1/144 Mr. Bushido's Ahead Part 02

Some Fuss Shared
As I mentioned in previous post,I'd work on this kit a bit. mostly on panel lining.

Real Touch Marker Gray 2+ abundance of ear picker cotton bud.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Here We Go~!

Greeting all, here I'll share my hobby and interest. They have been my passion of life, and I;m proud of them.
So, without further due, let us continue~XD